Making gaming that bit greener
We're dedicated to reducing the carbon impact of software!GREEN-BiT’s mission is to reduce the gaming industry's carbon footprint by monitoring energy use and carbon output per game for players, and by utilizing anonymised data to empower developers with an innovative Green SDK.Our Green SDK and toolset for mobile, PC and console will aid developers in optimizing their games and assist them in becoming energy efficient through assisted optimization of code, game assets and network usage. Our medium term goal is to achieve widespread adoption of an industry-standard 'Eco-Mode' on menu screens around the world.GREEN-BiT's ultimate goal is to revolutionize the software industry, with long term plans to expand across all platform holders, cloud, and AI sectors. With our software at the forefront of sustainable software development practices, we are aligned with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.If you'd like to find out more please contact
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